CSS Minifier - Minify and Compress CSS Online

Our free CSS minifier and compressor tool allows you to easily minify and compress CSS code to optimize it for production use.

Minifying CSS removes whitespace, newlines, and comments to reduce code size for faster page loads. Our CSS minifier keeps valid CSS intact.

Give it a try to do it instantly!

CSS Compression tool

Why Minify CSS?

Here are some key reasons:

Overall, it improves site speed, efficiency, and bandwidth utilization for production.

How Our CSS Compressor Works

It is easy and free to use:

  1. Paste your CSS code into the editor
  2. Click the "Minify CSS" button
  3. Minified CSS output will be generated

It removes comments, unnecessary whitespace, and line breaks while keeping code valid.

We provide options to specify the minification level and code wrapping. The minified CSS can be copied out or css compressed file can be downloaded.

Keep Readable CSS Where Needed

While great for production use, retain original readable CSS for development and debugging. Our tool allows selective minification to preserve readability of certain code.

Benefits of an Online CSS Minifier

Here are some benefits of using our tool:

For fast, unlimited CSS minification, try our online best css minifier today!