
URL Encoder and Decoder online - Encode and Decode URLs online

Welcome to our free online URL encoder and decoder tool! This tool helps encode or decode URLs so they can be properly transmitted over the web.

URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet. It replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits.

Our URL decoder reverses this encoding and converts the URL back into its original human-readable format.

This page provides a simple interface to encode or decode URLs below. Read on to learn more about URL encoding and when to use it.

URL Encode


URL Decode

What is URL encoding?

URL encoding, also known as percent encoding, is a mechanism for encoding information in a URL. It converts non-ASCII characters and reserved characters into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet.

URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters like spaces with a "%" symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits that represent that character's Unicode code point value. This encoded format complies with the URL encoding standard RFC 3986.

Why do URLs need to be encoded?

There are some characters that have special meanings in URLs, such as "&" for separating parameters and "?" for the query string. URL encoding protects these characters so they aren't misinterpreted. Encoding protects unsafe ASCII characters like spaces.

Encoding also allows non-ASCII and international characters to be properly included in URLs. Overall, encoding makes sure URLs conform to internet standards and can be parsed correctly.

When should URL encoding be used?

URL encoding should be used whenever transmitting a URL over the internet, especially when parameters are appended to the URL query string. URL encoding protects special characters so the URL can be parsed correctly.

Here are some common use cases:

  • Encoding URL parameters
  • Encoding redirected URLs
  • Encoding URLs embedded in emails or documents
  • Encoding URLs in source code for web development

How to use our URL encoder/decoder tool?

Our tool is easy to use! Simply enter a URL or portion of a URL in the input box. Then select either "Encode" or "Decode" based on whether you want to convert to or from encoded format. The encoded or decoded URL will appear in the output box.

URL Encoding/Decoding in Web Development

For web developers, URL encoding and decoding is handled automatically in many cases by frameworks and libraries. But you may need to manually encode/decode in some situations:

  • When constructing URLs dynamically
  • When escaping user-supplied URLs before embedding
  • When manipulating query parameters
  • When decoding encoded URL parameters from requests

Most languages like PHP, JavaScript, Python, and Java provide URL encoding/decoding functions out of the box.

Try our URL encoder/decoder above to protect special characters or revert encoded URLs back to a readable format!